Richard Feynman Handwritten Notes from the Challenger Investigation

Richard Feynman handwritten notes from his time serving on the Rogers Commission, which investigated the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986. Sheet reads in part:

''1/23 by new study
(WPA project)
Trying to reconcile 3 June 85 Kingsbury?
Sept brief Kingsbury [arrow] no pitch etc that rate 10-2 to 10-3
Crawford & Schultz''

Feynman references James Kingsbury, engineering chief at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center during the time of the disaster. Kingsbury wasn't involved in the decision on whether to launch and was subsequently tapped to lead the team to redesign the solid rocket motors. However, that team was shuffled after the Rogers Commission questioned the redesign effort and Kingsbury retired later in 1986.

Page measures 8.5'' x 11'' on ruled paper, penned by Feynman in black ballpoint. Mild creasing, overall near fine. From the Richard Feynman estate.

Price: $0
Richard Feynman Handwritten Notes from the Challenger Investigation
Richard Feynman Handwritten Notes from the Challenger Investigation
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