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June 2019 Moe Howard Auction

Special Five Day Auction Takes Place June 24 - June 28, 2019, Sessions Ending at 5:00 pm PDT Each Day*<br> <br>•SESSION 1: LOTS 1-219. ALL BIDS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MONDAY, JUNE 24TH, 2019 – 5PM PACIFIC TIME* <br>•SESSION 2: LOTS 220-439. ALL BIDS MUST BE RECEIVED BY TUESDAY, JUNE 25TH, 2019 – 5PM PACIFIC TIME* <br>•SESSION 3: LOTS 440 - 659. ALL BIDS MUST BE RECEIVED BY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26TH, 2019 – 5PM PACIFIC TIME* <br>•SESSION 4: LOTS 660 - 879. ALL BIDS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THURSDAY, JUNE 27TH, 2019 – 5PM PACIFIC TIME* <br>•SESSION 5: LOTS 880 – 1,111. ALL BIDS MUST BE RECEIVED BY FRIDAY, JUNE 28TH, 2019 – 5PM PACIFIC TIME*<br> <br>*Extended bidding begins at 5:00 pm PDT for items (lots) that have more than one bid; bidding will remain open until 30 minutes pass without a bid being placed on that individual lot. Extended bidding lots will end at different times depending upon bid activity.

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Moe Howards Betrothed Engagement Card From 1924
Number Bids: 6
Minimum Bid: $400
Final Price: $1,739
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