August 2023 Auction Ends Thursday, August 31st, 5pm Pacific


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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 8/31/2023
Excellent autograph letter signed by Ernest Hemingway, a four page missive directed at his lawyer, Alfred Rice, regarding Rice's mismanagement of Hemingway's money and disobeying his directives regarding his novels. Letter was written by Hemingway over 11-12 December 1956, signed twice throughout and additionally initialed three times. Subjects include Hemingway's desire to have the original manuscripts for ''A Farewell to Arms'' and ''For Whom the Bell Tolls'' appraised by Harvard, and specific instruction for a contract with Walt Disney Pictures regarding photography for ''Old Man and the Sea'' (''live marlin of size over seven hundred pounds both jumping and under-water''). Hemingway also reminds Rice that he isn't allowed to enter into a contract for ''Death In the Afternoon'', and doesn't like to be ''disobeyed'' in that regard. With much more interesting content, including Hemingway's adamant insistence that reptiles are not animals, but that maybe a turtle is. Before Hemingway mailed the letter, however, he seemed to have second thoughts about its tone, and excised foul language throughout the letter, as mentioned on the last page. Letter reads,

''11/12/56 / Dear Alfred: At the bank this morning I found your letters of December 3 with Gallimard [French publishers] correspondence and your letter of Dec. 9 with Caralt [Luis de, Spanish publishers] correspondence as well as the idiotically worded extension to Hayward and have spent the day trying to bring some order out of the general [excised] business.

Will write you when I have finished with Gallinmard and tell you what I have agreed to and what not.

I will write Caralt that you had no authority to contract with him for Death In the Afternoon as I asked you to do in the beginning since I had expressly forbidden you twice to make any contract for this book. I will try to explain to him the situation. I will not put you in a bad light nor impair your authority. But when I give a specific instruction twice I should not be expected to take responsibility for its being dis-obeyed.

The Hayward thing as written, if you will read it over, means nothing. How in Christ name can anyone speak of reptiles 'and other animals?' A reptile is not an animal and when I had your letter in answer to my specific one and you spoke to reptiles I thought you were joking. Or are turtles reptiles? In that case you would be correct but the wording is not correct. In the meantime this nonsense will possibly [excised] us out of the Jan. payment due.

I enclose a letter from William A. Jackson of the Houghton Library, Library of Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Please read it carefully, have it photo-stated for your files and return it to me. (You may have it already.) I am having the original MSS of A Farewell to Arms and For Whom the Bell Tolls delivered to Mr. Jackson at the Houghton Library to be appraised. Please read especially carefully the section I have checked on Mss. on Deposit, if you will let me know an estimate of Income tax payable on 1956, then on appraisal I can donate 30 percent of this sum to the Library of Harvard University and it will be deductible from the value of the MSS which will remain on deposit and from which further gifts can be made.

Al, I know it is hard for you to listen to instructions from me and rarely have I been allowed to give one without an interruption, But please read this Harvard letter through and digest it thoroughly before you begin objecting to it. If you want to object to it after that please make your objections clear. But give me a rapid answer as time is important.

I know it was not to my best interest to have such a huge amount of Foreign Rights as I received all paid concentrated into one year and all taxable. The only defensive Measure I could take was, for the short period it was in my hands to put it into short term tax free securities which at best would pay postage, and never pay for working time lost trying to straighten out mistakes. I remember too my Look [magazine] money after Africa accident not being paid into my account so I was over-drawn at the Bank, and my asking you to pay Abercrombie and Fitch and you not doing so and I had to be [?] by a claim collector. Also Key West taxes unpaid so I had to make long distance calls when property was offered for sale for taxes, all this time plenty of money in your hands and in Venice, under treatment, me over drawn at the bank and my Look money for a story that I wrote when I was practically dying in your hands and undeposited. Look intended the money to go to me. My credit has always been good and my bills and taxes in Key West always paid except when a lawyer was handling my money.

To make any sense, the clause in the extension starting In order etc. should read: 'In order to induce you to agree to this extension the undersigned assures you that the additional time will be used to photograph on location live marlin of size over seven hundred pounds both jumping and under-water and to photograph live...birds, and all of the fish, birds and marine life mentioned in The Old Man and the Sea in their natural habitat and that said photography shall compare favourably with that in such Disney pictures as the African Lion and the Vanishing Prairie (check title) and such under sea photography as the Costeau picture The Silent World...

Please have this inserted. It is what Leland Hayward [producer of 1958 film adaptation of Old Man and the Sea] promised if an extension was given. Need to hear on the Harvard matter soonest possible as deal with them must be consummated by end of December. / Best always / Ernie. / Merry Christmas to you three. / EH. / We'll be back in around 6 weeks probably / address here or Guaranty Trust. This not to put out / EH''.

The next day, on 12 December 1956, Hemingway seems to reconsider his tone, writing on the last page: ''I hope you will not get angry at some of the points I have had to make in this letter. I've cut out the bad words and anything I thought on re-reading was unjust. But it is a hell of a thing when you are on a regime that requires rest and you breakfast on 2 slices of thin dry toast, no liquid, 4/5ths of a quart of water in 24 hours etc. to have to work until 0230 AM on this business then not be able to sleep until 0530 thinking about it and then face a day or three or more devoted to Gallimard etc. It is almost impossible to get hold of anyone and I have to keep my temper.

Will take a day to write Carralt [sic] properly. / So long work (productive) so long any possibility of any fun. Hayward's probably [?] that clause which said only 'The additional time will be used.' and 'picture will contain' - which commits them to nothing. - How could you send that to me without comment? What does [?] commit anyone to?

Mary's Mother got belligerent and has to go to hospital and will take all money my securities bring in. So will have to write whether I can or not or whether they tel me to rest or not. / Merry Christmas Ernie''.

Letter spans four pages on four separate sheets of Hotel Ritz Paris stationery. Writing is on recto pages only, except for the last page where Hemingway writes ''Enclosures'' on verso. Each page measures 8.25'' x 10.5''. A few parts excised by Hemingway, as mentioned in the letter. Minor edgewear, overall in near fine condition. An exceptional letter by the great 20th century author.
Ernest Hemingway Autograph Letter Twice-Signed and Additionally Initialed Three Times -- ''I am having the original MSS of 'A Farewell to Arms' and 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' ...appraised.''Ernest Hemingway Autograph Letter Twice-Signed and Additionally Initialed Three Times -- ''I am having the original MSS of 'A Farewell to Arms' and 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' ...appraised.''Ernest Hemingway Autograph Letter Twice-Signed and Additionally Initialed Three Times -- ''I am having the original MSS of 'A Farewell to Arms' and 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' ...appraised.''Ernest Hemingway Autograph Letter Twice-Signed and Additionally Initialed Three Times -- ''I am having the original MSS of 'A Farewell to Arms' and 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' ...appraised.''
Ernest Hemingway Autograph Letter Twice-Signed and Additionally Initialed Three Times -- ''I am having the original MSS of 'A Farewell to Arms' and 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' ...appraised.''Ernest Hemingway Autograph Letter Twice-Signed and Additionally Initialed Three Times -- ''I am having the original MSS of 'A Farewell to Arms' and 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' ...appraised.''
Ernest Hemingway Autograph Letter Twice-Signed and Additionally Initialed Three Times -- ''I am having the original MSS of 'A Farewell to Arms' and 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' ...appraised.''
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Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $19,250
Final prices include buyers premium.: $0
Number Bids: 0
Auction closed on Thursday, August 31, 2023.
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