June 2024 Auction Ends Thursday, June 27th, 5pm Pacific


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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 6/27/2024
Gideon Welles autograph letter signed, dated 3 August 1864 when Welles served as Secretary of the Navy during the Civil War. On Navy Department letterhead, Welles writes to the Hon. John H. Rice - likely the Maine Congressman, regarding a trip to Maine. He writes in part, ''...the proposed excursion along the coast of Maine, a region that I have long desired and intended to visit, but my public duties compel me to deny myself that pleasure...Gideon Welles''. Single page letter measures 5'' x 8''. Folds, overall very good condition with bold handwriting.
Gideon Welles 1864 Autograph Letter Signed as Secretary of the Navy During the Civil War -- Regarding Visiting MaineGideon Welles 1864 Autograph Letter Signed as Secretary of the Navy During the Civil War -- Regarding Visiting MaineGideon Welles 1864 Autograph Letter Signed as Secretary of the Navy During the Civil War -- Regarding Visiting Maine
Gideon Welles 1864 Autograph Letter Signed as Secretary of the Navy During the Civil War -- Regarding Visiting Maine
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Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $125
Final prices include buyers premium.: $156
Number Bids: 1
Auction closed on Thursday, June 27, 2024.
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